Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Womb to Tomb

“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future.”

Cloud Atlas- A movie that I have recently watched and it left me intrigued, as above was a quoted verb adaptation of the intriguing novel by David Mitchell for the movie “Cloud Atlas”. Indeed, it was a magnified story on our illusion of what we encounter every day, “Life”. Where one begun to question the whereabouts the origins and correlations of such illusion which brings the need of mankind to manipulate and control the illusion of, “Life”. In my intepration, this illusion was explained in this story of “cloud Atlas” in a very momentarily beautiful stories. The unity of 6 different parts of storyline gave a climax understanding of questionable of this ignorant illusion. Why illusion, one doubt? Life may not be a illusion, as it is reality, but I would rather presumed it as a manipulated illusion of dreams because,”Our lives are not our own,”. The coexistent between lives of different individuals of the population we are living within are infinite relationship of crime and kindness toward one another. One love another of the same kind, yet one commit crime at the same time to another. If the Earth is a creation of God, without interference of mankind, are you authorized to change the written creation for self manipulation? The relations of each story told defines the necessity of responsibility we owe to another, which is our future. In fact, I hastened to believe that reborn of the soul exist as defined in this story because death is a tool to demolishing of our soul. However, consequently the degree of separation between death and life creates manipulation of fear towards the living soul. Inevitably, of such we belief that death purpose are to be the door towards heaven or hell. Would you have reflect the illusion you are living now to only do kindness as you fear the future sculpted resulted from your wrongdoings in the past and present?